NOTE: If these sites don't work in your browser, try another browser.
2. Dress a boy up for Halloween: http://www.jeannedelalune.co.uk/Halloween-boy.html
3. Le rock de la sorcière (chanson) Scroll down to the large video.
4. Chauve-souris (chanson) Scroll down to the large video.
5. Fun Halloween eCard (This is not in French but you could totally do it in French with your students)
6. http://www.cslaval.qc.ca/ Website for Halloween. Fairly advanced vocab.
7. http://www.theparselmouth.com/
Really creepy language translated from English and downloadable.
8. YouTube videos for Halloween
9. Amazing Halloween Paper cut-outs
10. Click here for a SMARTboard file "Les monstres". Click here for a word document.
11. Crée ton propre mystère (La maison hantée)
For PC's
For Macs
12. Click here for a cute PP called "Des araignées dans le grenier", practicing counting to 40. From Jo Rhys-Jones' fabulous website: http://primarymfl.ning.com/
13. Click here for a wonderful Halloween storybird called "Matilda la sorcière".
15. Boowa & Kwala3
16. Boowa & Kwala 4
17. Boowa & Kwala 5
18. Cree ton propre monstre: L'atelier des monstres: http://monstres.kikooshi.com/
19. Click here for "L'histoire de l'Halloween en France" via Textivate.
20. Click here for a great Halloween Pinterest board, English and French.
21. Les chiens se déguisent: Des images très drôles!
22. Audrey Misiano's Symbaloo collection
23. Click here for a great Bubblr activity/quiz for the song "C'est l'Halloween", made by Audrey Misiano.
24. Quand les squelettes (song and fill-in sheet).
1. Calendrier d'advent
2. Le sapin de Noel (chanson) Scroll down to the large video.
3. Le sapin de Noel (histoire) Scroll down to the large video.
4. Jingle Bells (chanson) Scroll down to the large video.
5. La tache de Noel (chanson) Scroll down to the large video.
6. YouTube videos
7. Le calendrier de l'advent (chansons)
8. http://www.fete-enfants.com/noel Site for Noël but advanced vocab.
9. Word Cloud Christmas card ideas
10. Le Père Noël vocab
11. Le Père Noël Storybird
12. Click here for a personalized video message from Père Noël. Try it out... you have to see it to believe it! Click here for one in English.
13. Cool, interactive site called "Le village du Père Noël".
14. Click here for another fun interactive site on "Noël".
15. Click here for a great online Christmas Card maker.
16. Click here to play 3 Christmas songs with the help of some reindeer!
17. Click here and here and here to make snowflakes!
18. Click here and here to make "un bonhomme de neige".
19. Click here to make "un arbre de noël".
20. Click here to design your own "Maison en pain d'épice".
21. Click here to spell your name with "les boules de neige".
22. Sapin et boules de neige
23. Boowa & Kwala
24. Boowa & Kwala 2
25. Boowa & Kwala 3
26. Boowa & Kwala 4
27. Boowa & Kwala 5
28. Click here for a PP on "La nuit avant Noël". Click here for an audio recording.
29. http://www.laposte.fr/pere-noel/ Some great activities here.
30. Tons of resources on this Pinterest board by @audreymisiano
31. Templates for letters to Pere Noel.
32. Email le Pere Noel (en français!)
33. Click here for a great list of classic French movies with a Noel theme.
Le carnaval de Québec
1. Click here for a great site for Bonhomme Carnaval activities.
St. Valentin
1. Sweet poem: Une histoire de coeur
2. YouTube videos about love
3. Boowa et Kwala
4. Click here for Une histoire La Saint Valentin (.notebook file for SMARTboard) created by Karen To.
5. Momes.net
1. Histoire d'un lapin (Scroll down to the large video)
2. Chanson "Le printemps"
3. http://www.vive-paques.com/paques.htm
A site with lots of activities for Easter.
4. SMARTboard file for Pâques (found on http://primarymfl.ning.com/ )
5. L'histoire de Pâques (vidéo)
6. So much fun! Click here to fling a Cadbury egg onto any house/building in the world! In English but can explain activity in French.
7. Pâques YouTube videos
8. Boowa & Kwala
9. Boowa & Kwala2
10. Les signes du printemps (SMARTboard file)
11. SunnyEarth Academy's Pinterest Links
12. Pierre Lapin de Beatrix Potter (simplifié, SMARTboard file) Click here for the Flipsnack version.Click here for the video.
La fête des mamans:
1. Chanson "Avec mes deux mains"
2. YouTube videos about love
3. Click here for a news report on Mother's day in France.
4. Boowa & Kwala
5. Chanson: Je t'aime, maman. Password: maman
Le jour de la terre
Click here and here and here for great videos for Earth Day.
Click here and here for good websites.
Click here for another video, beautiful but advanced vocab.
Le jour du souvenir
1. Boowa & Kwala
2. YouTube videos
3. YouTube video
4. LesPlan pdf
A) Les saisons:
1. YouTube videos
2. BBC activities
3. Click here for an activity to follow directions (l'hiver)
4. Click here for an activity to follow directions (l'été)
5. Boowa & Kwala sur la plage (l'été) Le camping La natation Un picnic Les abeilles Les pirates Au pays des coquillages
6. Boowa & Kwala l'automne
7. Boowa & Kwala le printemps
8. Boowa & Kwala l'hiver
9. Les signes du printemps (SMARTboard file)
10. Click here for a short book called "L'hiver".
B) Quel temps fait-il? (la météo)
1. YouTube videos
2. Activité: La méteo
3. Language Guide activity
4. Languages Online
5. BBC activities
6. Chillola
7. EstudioDeFrances
8. Boowa & Kwala
9. BBC
10. BBC game
C) Le calendrier, Les jours de la semaine, les mois, la date
1. YouTube videos
2. Languages Online
3. Quelle est la date?
4. BBC activities
5. Chillola
6. EstudioDeFrances
7. Les instruments et les jours de la semaine (.Notebook file for the SMARTboard)
8. Le calendrier SMARTboard file
9. Boowa & Kwala Bonne anniversaire 1 Boowa & Kwala Bonne anniversaire 2
10. LanguageGuide
11. BBC
12. BBC game
13. DigitalDialects
D) Comment ça va/greetings
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Online, Greetings
3. Language Online, Je m'appelle
4. Languages Online, Comment ça va?
5. BBC All About Me
6. SMARTboard file
7. Digital Dialects
8. Digital Dialects, basic phrases
E) Les chiffres
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Guide activity
3. Activities #1-10
(Online activities 1 - 4)
(Online activities 1 - 5)
5. #20 - 100
(Online activities 1 - 11)6. BBC les chiffres
7. Chillola
8. Lexique FLE Click on a sign(ex.1-20), then click anywhere on the next screen to begin the
game. Now click on the headphones to hear a number and click on the
9. EstudioDeFrances 1-10
10. Boowa & Kwala
11. Boowa & Kwala 2
12. BBC 22-31
13. BBC game 22-31
14. BBC 32 - 60
15. BBC game 32 - 60
16. Digital Dialects 1 - 12
17. Digital Dialects 13 - 20
18. #1 - 1,000,000
19. La danse des nombres
F) L'alphabet français
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Guide Activity
3. Chillola
4. Lexique FLE
5. LiteracyCentre.net
6. PoissonRouge
7. Boowakwala
8. Boowakwala2
9. Phonetique
10. Aliceo
11. Babar
12. Peinture FLE
G) Les parties du corps
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Guide activity 1
3. Language Guide activity (le visage)
4. Language Guide activity 2
5. Le système digestif
6. Languages Online
7. Chillola, le visage
8. Chillola, les parties du corps
9. Lexique FLE
10. Boowa & Kwala
H) Les animaux
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Guide, les animaux de la ferme
3. Language Guide, les animaux de compagnie (pets)
4. Language Guide, les insectes
5. Language Guide, les oiseaux
6. Language Guide, les mammifères
7. Language Guide, les reptiles et les amphibiens
8. Language Guide, les animaux d'Afrique
9. Language Guide, les animaux marins
10. Languages Online
11. BBC activities
12. Chillola
13. Lexique FLE
14. EstudioDeFrances Insectes
15. Boowa & Kwala
16. BBC
17. BBC game
18. DigitalDialects 1
19. DigitalDialects 2
20. Les animaux dans les dessins animés (short quiz).
21. Boowa & Kwala à la ferme
22. Toupie et Binou: Cute site! (click on "jouer").
23. Cute video on animal sounds in different languages.
24. Voicethread
25. http://www.bzzzpeek.com/
I) Les vêtements
1. YouTube videos
2. Les vêtements d'homme
3. Les vêtements de femme
4. Les vêtements d'hiver
5. Languages Online
6. BBC activities
7. DigitalDialects
J) Les couleurs
1. YouTube videos
2. Language Guide
3. Languages Online
4. BBC activity
5. Chillola
6. EstudioDeFrances
7. BBC
8. BBC game
9. Digital Dialects
10. Petit-bleu et Petit-jaune: Adorable video made by kindergarteners.
K) La nourriture/L'alimentation
1. YouTube videos
2. Language guide, les fruits
3. Language guide, les légumes
4. Language guide, la nourriture 1
5. Language guide, la nourriture 2
6. Languages Online
7. BBC activities
8. Chillola, les fruits
9. Chillola, les légumes
10. Chillola, la nourriture
11. EstudioDeFrances
12. EstudioDeFrances Au restaurant
13. EstudioDeFrances Fruits et Légumes
14. Boowa & Kwala
15. Boowa & Kwala 2
16. Boowa & Kwala 3
17. Boowa & Kwala 4
18. Boowa & Kwala 5
19. Boowa & Kwala 6
20. Boowa & Kwala 7
21. Boowa & Kwala 8
22. Digital Dialects
23. Digital Dialects, fruits et légumes
24. Click here for a school menu en français.
25. Il ne fait pas très chaud dans mon frigo
26. Dans mon pays d'Espagne
L) La famille
1. YouTube videos
2. Language guide activity
3. Ma famille/quel âge as-tu?
4. Lexique FLE
5. SunderlandSchools.org
6. Tapis.com
7. BBC
8. BBC game
9. LanguagesOnline
M) La maison
1. YouTube videos
2. Language guide, la maison
3. Language guide, à l'intérieur
4. Language guide, le salon
5. Language guide, la salle à manger
6. Language guide, la cuisine
7. Language guide, la cuisine 2
8. Language guide, la chambre
9. Language guide, la salle de bains 1
10. Language guide, la salle de bains 2
11. Language guide, la buanderie
12. Languages Online
13. Chillola
14. EstudiaDeFrances
15. Eduland
16. ProjectYonder
N) A l'école
1. YouTube videos
2. Language guide activity
3. Languages Online
4. BBC activities
5. Chillola
6. EstudioDeFrances 1
7. EstudioDeFrances 2
8. Boowa & Kwala
9. Eduland
10. À l'école Papi
O) Les moyens de transports
1. YouTube videos
2. Languages Online
3. LanguageGuide
P) Les adjectifs
1. YouTube videos
2. Languages Online
3. BBC activities
4. http://bigloo.voila.net/index.html Click
"Jouer". The policeman is asking "Qui vous a volé votre sac, madame?"
(Who stole your bag, madame?) She describes the thieves and you get to
put handcuffs on them if you choose the correct one!
5. Les sentiments SMARTboard file
6. Click here for a SMARTboard file called "3 questions".
7. Click here for a SMARTboard file for Halloween called "Les monstres" with descriptions. Click here for a word document with the same vocabulary.
8. Si tu es heureux et tu le sais (If you're happy and you know it...)
9. Les émotions par Jeanne de la Lune.
Q) Les instruments de musique
1. YouTube videos
2. Language guide activity
3. Chillola
4. L'orchestre
5. Les instruments et les jours de la semaine (.Notebook file for the SMARTboard)
6. Boowa et Kwala
R) Les préposition/positions
1. YouTube videos
2. Chillola
S) L'heure
1. Chanson
2. Language Guide activity
3. Languages Online
4. Chillola
5. EstudioDeFrances
6. Boowa & Kwala
7. BBC
8. BBC game
9. YouTube videos
T) Les sports
1. YouTube videos
2. BBC activities
3. Boowa & Kwala
4. Le match de foot <-- Cute animation!
U) Les professions/métiers
1. YouTube videos
2. LanguageGuide
V) Les formes
1. Chillola
W) Les contraires
1. Chillola
2. Les contraires SMARTboard file
X) La ville
1. LanguageGuide
2. LexiqueFLE
2. YouTube videos